Did you receive an early acceptance to a college that you applied to? Anyone who received early acceptance must make their final decision by May 1. You must provide the college or university with a decision by this date. After this date, the students who have accepted an offer will be provided with a class placement. Those who have not accepted an offer will have to wait on their applications to other colleges.

Choosing between the colleges you applied to is challenging and isn’t easy, even for the most experienced decision makers. Here are a few things to consider when choosing between your admissions offers.

  • Does the college offer a “full ride” scholarship, a partial scholarship, or even a scholarship at all? College is expensive and your financial decisions in life will follow you. If you are paying for your own college, take into account how much debt you will have to take on in order to obtain your education.
  • Is the school well-known? Some students will accept offers of admission to more famous schools, even if it means their degrees will cost more. There are some academic merits to accepting such an offer: the more well-known a school is, the more well-known its faculty is, the more facilities it will generally have, and the larger student network it will have. All these side benefits are great for students who are committed to maximizing their academic potential, as well as increasing their job prospects once they graduate. If you can get a high-paying job right out of college, taking on debt now does not seem like too risky an idea. However, in this economy, you should never settle for anything less than a sure thing.
  • Where is the school located? Some students simply do not want to move to attend college. They like being near family, friends, and their community. Other students are fine with moving across the country if need be. If staying in your hometown, county, or state, is very important to you, maybe accepting an offer from a school across the country is not in your best interests. State schools, for instance, are more affordable, and offer a great compromise between moving away from home while still being accessible to your family and friends.

Are you feeling stuck and not sure what to decide? Talk to a student coach. At the end of the day, you need to make the decision that is best for you. Not all students need to go to a big-name school. Coaches understand the system and will help you weigh your options. They will work with you, analyzing your situation, your needs and wants, and then provide their review of the situation. They can help you choose and compare potential schools and degree majors, how to finance your degree, and how to structure your college life for success, both while in college and after you enter the workforce.

Expert guidance from student coaches who have experience helping countless students with their college applications, as well as the application period in general, is invaluable. They will be with you every step of the way, from considering which colleges to even apply to, to the final decision.

You can also receive advice on scholarship applications, admissions essays, career decisions, and so much more. When you have the choice to either “go it alone” or to have someone guide and mentor you, especially someone who has helped countless students in the past, the choice seems clear.