Traveling or studying abroad does not have to break the bank or send you into debt. With the right planning process, even college students can tick off any destination on a travel bucket list without spending a fortune. Traveling during the right times, having a solid budgeting plan, and choosing lodging accommodations with frugality in mind can help you realize all of your travel dreams, even when you have limited funds. Here are three tips for funding a vacation on a college student's savings.

Budgeting is Key

You will not enjoy your trip if you are constantly fixated on how much money you are spending. You can take the anxiety out of the financial aspect of traveling if you budget and save for your trip appropriately. Having everything saved prior to your trip will alleviate your concerns and ensure that you can relax and enjoy your vacation. By setting aside a fixed amount each month, you can reach all of your financial goals while also giving yourself the gift of travel and new worldly experiences.

Choose Your Timing Carefully

When it comes to travel, timing is everything. Being judicious when choosing your travel dates will help you to stretch your travel dollar to its full potential. You should buy plane tickets well in advance of your trip for the best deals and choice of dates and time. Traveling during the shoulder seasons will give you the best rates on hotel accommodations. As a bonus, you will also avoid the crowds. Careful planning can even get you discount Disneyland tickets if you time it right. The bottom line is that the right research and planning can pay off big dividends in your quest for adventure.

Look into Hostels or Other Home Share Accommodations

Lodging expenses can break even the best-laid travel budget plans. College students can enjoy the flexibility of value-driven lodging options. Hostels are an ideal way to travel inexpensively while visiting countries abroad. This type of lodging will also connect you with locals and other like-minded travelers, enhancing your overall travel experience. Home shares are also a fun way to save money and to see the world.

Money should not be a barrier when looking to scratch your itch for wanderlust. Any travel adventure is possible if you are willing to think outside the box and to stretch your horizons. With a college student’s budget, you just need to be a little more flexible and creative.

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