If you want to have the JD, MD, MBA, or Ph.D. title behind your name, you may have many years of education ahead of you. However, first, you need to pass the graduate admissions exam to enter the graduate school of your field. This means you have one more admissions exam to take. If you are wondering how to prepare, here are three tips to get you started on the process.

Understand the Exam You're Going to Take

Graduate admissions exams are different from the standard college SAT exam. You need to know which field you want to enter because there are a handful of different exams available for different types of graduate schools.

  • The GRE is the Graduate Record Exam that is used for many of the graduate programs such as sociology, psychology, or arts.
  • The GMAT is the Graduate Management Admissions Test and is used for graduate business schools.
  • The LSAT is the Law School Admissions Test and is used to enter law schools.
  • The MCAT is the Medical College Admission Test and is used to enter medical schools.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The best way to prepare for graduate admission exams is by practicing. You could devote different days of the week to different exam sections; however, it is also important to take practice exams while mimicking the actual test conditions. This means setting a timer for the time allowance of the actual exam, having no distractions, and following the exam strategies that you set for yourself. Good exam strategies include answering the easy questions first and not taking too long on questions that you simply don't know. A good practice test will prepare you by having questions that mimic ones you're likely to find on the actual exam. If you give yourself a few months to practice, you can try to take a practice test once or twice a month to access your progress.

Manage Your Time

One of the most useful skills to master as a student is to manage your time effectively. Time management means that you have a clear strategy about how to complete a goal within a time frame. This could be accomplished in many ways. You could set a long-term monthly schedule. You can develop reward systems for yourself and set aside blocks of time for play, exercise, and study to avoid procrastination and burn out. If you really need help managing your time and instilling discipline, you can also invest in an exam school course. The monetary investment will ensure that you won't waste the opportunity, and having to show up at a set time will ensure discipline.

Graduate schools are an investment in your future and can pay off in terms of having a more competitive educational background. It can also give you an edge when it comes time for salary negotiation. However, in order to make your future graduate degree come true, first, you must successfully get into the school of your dreams.

If you’re planning on going to grad school, you’ll need to do well in your undergrad first. Contact us to get help from our student coaching services!