Over time, especially in college, you will eventually get used to the constant tests and exams. However, with the hectic life a college student usually leads, dealing with classes, internships, work, social life and, in some cases, home and family, any help is welcome to speed up studies and take tests without too much headache. And especially to retain the content studied for far beyond the evidence.

Here are the top 10 tips on how to do well on tests.

1. Study!

One of the most effective things you can do before any test is to review the content you study. But how to make an efficient review? Make a list of everything that needs to be revised and create a schedule so that nothing is left out. Besides, separating content into small portions facilitates the process of information absorption.

You may have heard during elementary school that "given subject matter is studied subject matter." This means that it is ideal to review all the content learned every day, even if you have no task to do with that subject. If you create the routine of revising everything you learn daily, you will be able to absorb the content more easily and gradually, so when studying for the test will not be accumulated.

Oh, of course, pay attention in class! This is where content should begin to be absorbed, not at home.

2. Turn off social networks

During reviews, try to minimize any distractions to focus only on studies, such as television and the internet. No Facebook! Log off your social media accounts while studying and keep your phone muted (or turned off, preferably if possible) and away from you.

This is especially important for those who use a laptop, tablet or any electronic device to study. In addition to the many open tabs distracting you by showing you new notifications, it's easy to get distracted by sneaking up on Twitter or Instagram for two minutes (which turns into a half-hour in the blink of an eye).

3. Take short breaks

Some people can spend a long time concentrating, but the vast majority have short attention spans. If this is the case, take short breaks between content to eat a snack (healthy!), drink water and recharge.

Even if you can maintain concentration for a long time, it is important to take a short break of 15 minutes every so often to get up, stretch and hydrate. No use spending hours with your face stuck in handouts or laptop without rest, because it ends up exhausting, undermining the efficiency of studies and understanding and retention of content. Not to mention that it is very bad for your body to spend a lot of time in the same position.

4. Use memory cards, diagrams and mind maps

Try different types of resources used for studies until you find what works best for you. You can create flashcards, those memory cards on which you write little blocks of information, topics, summaries, questions, concepts, etc. and then use them to revise the content and invigorate your memory.

For example, write questions on each card about the content studied. Then read on one by one and answer the questions written on it. If you are studying with someone else, you can ask them to ask the questions.

There are also diagrams and mind maps that, in contrast to the traditional format of linear annotations, stimulate creativity more. You can use different colors of pens, images, arrows, taking full advantage of the page space and creating connections in the content.

5. Create a healthy pre-study routine

It is not enough to arrive in your room to open the book or laptop and start studying. A fruitful study session requires a minimum of preparation in different areas: finding the best place to study, organizing the space, minimizing distractions, having everything you need at your fingertips, and more.

6. Practice with old and simulated tests

No matter what the exam or your field of study, you will likely find information and study materials available online. The content found on websites can be used as the basis of your studies, as it helps you become familiar with the format of the test and as you use it, you can see your progress.

Completing test simulations not only allows you to identify your weaknesses and strengths but also gives you a very real experience of what the test will look like. Ask your teacher if he has any site suggestions, or ask your senior classmates if they have the old tests given for that course subject.

Regardless of the content, nothing works better than ... studying! Simple, no? Practice leads to perfection. As mentioned in the first tip, it helps a lot if you get into the habit of studying a little a day and not letting the content accumulate. The more you train, the more familiar you will be with the race, and when the final day comes, you will feel more confident.

7. Organize a study group

If you prefer to study in pairs or with more people, organize a study group with other friends. But you have to be serious - it's not for you to get together and just chat. Find a quiet environment, preferably in a library or other quiet, organized and neutral place; stipulate in advance the content to be studied so that everyone can be prepared; find a pace of study that works for everyone.

8. Prepare for test day

Scientific evidence shows that several factors can impact your performance in evaluation processes. One of them is your level of hydration, which will influence your level of attention. If your test will last more than two hours, it is advisable to bring a small bottle of water to leave by your side.

Also, try to avoid any stress before the exam. Plan to arrive early, and make sure you have with you everything you need to take the test - documents, pencils, pen, eraser, snack, etc.

9. Manage your time during the test

During the evaluation process, you must time your time. It makes no sense to spend half an hour on two exercises and leave only ten minutes for the remaining eight. Knowing in advance how many questions you have on the test and how much time you have to answer them makes it easier to know what pace you should follow. It is advisable to wear a wristwatch on the day of the exam; The rooms do not always have clocks on the wall and it is common to have to keep the cell phone stored throughout the test.

Even if you don't know the answer to a question, don't leave it blank. Besides having a chance to hit it, empty answers cause you to lose scores.

10. Take care of your health

This tip sounds quite simple, but it is very important. Too often, in the rush of school, you forget to take care of your health, eating poorly, getting little sleep, abusing coffee and reducing your social life. While the study is important, overloading can be more harmful than beneficial. In the days leading up to the race, eat and sleep well and exercise daily. This will help keep your brain in shape!