Choosing a career is only the first step to making your dream come true. You have to be willing and able to make it through the necessary training to achieve your goals. Whether you are already attending college or just starting to look into schools, it's important to know where you want to end up so you can plan accordingly. To help guide you, here are four popular careers and how to train for them.

Mechanical Engineer

If you love problem-solving and tinkering with different devices in your free time, a career as a mechanical engineer might be ideal for you. Mechanical engineers work to research, design, test, and develop mechanical devices for numerous purposes. Most positions will require a specialized bachelor's degree that includes multiple math classes like trigonometry, calculus, and basic algebra. For those hoping to become managers, a Master’s degree will be especially useful. Most engineers spend the first years of their career trying several different fields before settling into one specialty.


For those that love helping others, working with patients, and applying their math and science skills, a career in dentistry might be appealing. Dentists identify and treat cavities, gum disease, and tooth injuries in addition to cosmetic issues. To become a dentist, start early by excelling in your math, chemistry, and biology courses. These upper division math courses will allow you to decide how to treat patients, administer medication, and perform dental surgery. Taking pre-med courses in college will prepare you for the Dental Admission Test your junior year. Dental school takes a varying number of years to complete and is followed by a 1-2 year residency. You will also need to pass a board exam to become licensed, so this isn’t something to take lightly.


Have you dreamed of working with children since you were young? Becoming a teacher might be the perfect career for you. Teachers find their work very rewarding because they create strong relationships with children who look up to them throughout their time in school. To become a teacher, a Bachelor's degree in elementary teaching or a specific subject is followed by a 1-2 year teaching certification through your state. For elementary teachers, math training is essential and focuses on how to teach the fundamentals. If you plan to become a math teacher, you'll need to excel in calculus, trigonometry, and statistics especially.

Mental Health Counselor

If you love helping others and want to make a difference for those suffering from mental health issues, a career as a mental health counselor might be a good fit for you. Counselors work individually and in group settings with clients to help them discuss their problems and achieve their goals. A Master’s degree is required in addition to state licensing and clinical experience. Mental health professionals make use of statistics to research and provide the best treatment for their clients so that a strong math foundation will help you with this career.

Deciding on a career can be difficult, and knowing what training is involved can help you make an informed decision. Consider your goals as you move forward in school so that you are set up to get started in your career of choice as soon as possible. Student Coaching Services offers career coaching services to students who are still undecided.
